The End of the Game

A documentary about a vegan filmmaker following a 73-year-old ex-colonial soldier on one last big game hunt.

I enjoyed it overall, the main character is definitely a compelling and intriguing anachronism, but the narration by the filmmaker is unnecessary, and in some ways detracts from the film overall. It needlessly underlines the obvious, and his voice is irritating. It’s not the tone, it’s that he comes off as a nyaff. It’s difficult in a film with a racist, homophobic, rabbit-killing, buffalo-shooting old bastard to come off as the unlikable one, but he somehow manages it. It’s like, mate, you’re in the right, just do nothing and people’ll be one your side. Don’t show folk photos of you bravely sitting alone eating a virtuous vegan dinner on Christmas to get our sympathies, you come off as a wank.

Surprisingly, despite being made by someone with vegan values, there’s no attempts in the film to counterpoint or correct some of the absolute tosh spouted in the film about the hunting being vital to conservation. It’s fine for the film to be a character study of this very funny old man without need to constantly call him out on his opinions, but to allow it to become a vehicle for bullshit pro-hunting arguments really shouldn’t go unchallenged.

Overall good but there’s a lot of footage of animals being skinned and gutted, so if that’s not your thing, maybe gie it a by.

When I was about to go into the movie, this loud obnoxious twat in a tweed jacket came up and started rabbiting on at the GFF volunteers on the doors. As I studiously avoided eye contact, I thought, maybe this is the eccentric old hunter the movie’s about. Then we got in and he was introduced as the director! He proceeded to say he found the small size of the audience “mortifying” and explained how little money he’d been given to promote the film. It’s like, mate, don’t berate people who’ve paid good money to see your film for not being more people. As the film started up he announced, “I’m going to hang about and check out the sound levels. I used to be a projectionist.” He gave the impression of being a consummate wank.